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Billings Opportunity School


The Billings Public Schools community strives to inspire, educate and empower students to be responsible and innovative global citizens who achieve their full potential.


Billings Opportunity School (BOS) will provide the community with students prepared to take the next steps after graduation. Whether they are continuing their education, joining the workforce or serving our country in one of the amazing branches of the military, graduates will be able to be successful because of their hard work, determination and skills they learned while earning their high school diploma.


If you are interested in the Billings Opportunity school, please:

  1. Read through and consider the information below on our webpage.
  2. Contact your current high school counselor or administrator to start the referral process.
  3. Reach out to our BOS Principal, Mr. Josh Monson, at 406-281-6720 and, or our BOS Counselor, Mrs. MacKenzie Umemoto, at 406-281-6721 and, for any questions.
JROTC Military Emblems

What is Billings Opportunity School?

  • Approved as a Public Charter School by the Montana Board of Public Education, BOS will operate under the guidance of the Billings Public Schools Board of Trustees.

  • Students will earn a Billings Public Schools High School Diploma meeting all the standards and requirements set forth by the state of Montana.

How is Billings Opportunity School different from the other high schools?

  • BOS is a smaller environment with a focus on project and proficiency based learning, joining together traditional classes such as Math, English, Science and Social Studies along with vocational classes.

  • Students will be on an individualized path to graduation meeting their specific needs.

  • All students will have a mentor to help provide guidance and be someone to support them on their path to graduation.

Students working on a small engine
Student on a Computer

What type of vocational classes will be available?

  • BOS will have a focus on computer and technical based vocational courses such as coding, cybersecurity, AI and computer repair.

  • We will work with students to allow them to attend other vocational courses throughout the district and explore additional pathways to meet their individual needs.

Who is a good fit for Billings Opportunity School?

  • Any high school students looking for a smaller, more personalized learning experience.

  • Students who are credit deficient

    • Not all credit deficient students can attain graduation, this will be on a case by case basis.

  • BOS is not intended to be a behavior school but rather provide a true alternative environment and pathway to a diploma compared to the traditional high schools.


If you are interested in the Billings Opportunity school, please:

  1. Read through and consider the information below on our webpage.
  2. Contact your current high school counselor or administrator to start the referral process.
  3. Reach out to our BOS Principal, Mr. Josh Monson, at 406-281-6720 and, or our BOS Counselor, Mrs. MacKenzie Umemoto, at 406-281-6721 and, for any questions.